Thursday 6 December 2012


After the analysis of survey and observation, now I want to conclude it. The conclusion will separate into two parts which are conclusion for types of customer and Customer’s satisfaction.

Part A  Conclusion for Types of Customers

According to the data, the major race of customer in Secret Recipe which located in Festival City Mall is Chinese. It can be proven by the data of observation and the short interview with their supervisor in this outlet. Malay is the second major customers in this outlet. Whereas, Indian is the least customers in Secret Recipe compare with others.
For the customers’ age groups classification, young adult is the major age group of customers in this outlet. Most of the time, they go to Secret Recipe with their friends and couple. This is because of the foods and environment of Secret Recipe is more attractive to those young adult. Middle aged group are the second major customers in Secret Recipe. They are almost dining with their family.

Part B   Conclusion for Customers’ Satisfaction

Based on the completion research, most of the customers weekly dine in Secret Recipe. Although the customers are not daily dining in Secret Recipe, they also can consider as loyalty customers. Which indicate that most of the customers have positive impression toward Secret Recipe.
For the customer service, most of the customers chose neutral for the attentive and available when they are needed the waiter or waitress. This is because of this outlets not have enough workers (refer to the short interview with the supervisor). Besides, most of the customers are agree with the workers can answer their questions with kindly and sincerely and customers also agree with Secret Recipe in this outlet just use a short time to prepare the food for them. Which mean the most of the customer are satisfied with the customer service of Secret Recipe.
Moreover, customers also agree with the menu of Secret Recipe are easy to read and the foods are tasty, especially the cakes. In the other hand, the price of foods are moderate, it is more suitable for customers who have monthly income. So, most of the customers choose neutral for their price.
Lastly, there are many customers are satisfied with the environment of Secret Recipe, they feel that it is a good place for them to gather and chit chat with friends. Most of the customers are very likely to recommend this Secret Recipe outlet to their friends and family relatives. Look at the overall result, there are just a few customers not satisfied with Secret Recipe, however, the majority of customers are satisfied with it. 

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